XcelGen Blood gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2311-01 • Preps: 50
• Flexibility- Works on wide variety of samples
• Reliable- Optimized buffers to purify gDNA
• Safe- No organic extractions
• Quality- Purified DNA is suitable for downstream applications
XcelGen blood gDNA mini kit is designed for rapid purification of high quality genomic DNA from a wide variety of samples like whole blood, serum plasma, saliva and buffy coat. Samples are processed with high ionic strength chaotropic salt followed by selective binding of DNA on silica column which is subsequently eluted in water or elution buffer.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 12 µg of blood gDNA
Preparation time: <60min
Sample: 100-400 µl of fresh, frozen or anti-coagulated blood
Elution volume: 100-150 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization,
NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing |
XcelGen Bacterial gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2411-01 • Preps: 50
• Flexibility- Suitable for all bacterial strains
• Reliable- Optimized buffers to purify gDNA
• Safe- No organic extractions
• Quality- Purified DNA is suitable for applications
XcelGen bacterial gDNA mini kit provides a rapid and reliable silica based method for purifying high quality genomic DNA from gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial species suitable for downstream applications. The bacterial cells are grown to log-phase and harvested. Cell wall is removed by lysozyme and bead beating. Samples are processed with high ionic strength chaotropic salt followed by selective binding of DNA on silica column and subsequently eluted in elution buffer.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 20 µg of bacterial gDNA
Preparation time: <60min
Sample: 1-3ml (109) bacterial culture or cells/column
Elution volume: 100µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization |
XcelGen Fungal gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2416-01 • Preps: 50
• Flexible: Works on wide variety of common and difficult fungal samples.
• Effectively removes impurities like polysaccharide, phenolic compounds and other enzyme inhibitors.
• Purified DNA suitable for downstream applications
XcelGen fungal DNA mini kit provides a rapid method for isolation and purification of total DNA from a wide variety of fungal species. The fungal samples are homogenized under high chaotropic buffer followed by removal of contamination. The resultant lyaste is transfer to silica membrane, which help in selective binding of DNA in presence of high salt. Following binding of DNA to the silica membrane, contaminants are washed away and pure genomic DNA is eluted.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 20 µg of fungal gDNA
Preparation time: less than 60 minutes
Sample: 50 mg fresh mycelia tissue or dry tissue
Elution volume: 100 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization,
NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing |
XcelGen Soil gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2413-01 • Preps: 50
• Flexible: Works on variety of common and difficult soil samples.
• Simple and fast method for high quality DNA isolation.
• Effectively removes impurities of humic acid and PCR inhibitors
• Purified DNA suitable for downstream applications
XcelGen Soil gDNA mini kit provides a convenient and rapid method for the detection of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and algae from soil samples. This kit works on wide variety of soil samples including common and difficult soil samples with high humic acid content as compost and manure. This kit uses special lysis system which quickly lyse cells and inactivates intracellular nuclease.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 2.5 µg of soil gDNA
Preparation time: less than 60 minutes
Sample: 0.5-5g fresh soil
Elution volume: 30 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization,
NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing
XcelGen Plant gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2611-01 • Preps: 50
• Complete removal of pigment, polysaccharide and other impurities
• Efficient recovery of high molecular weight gDNA
• Column based purification, no organic extraction
• Purified DNA suitable for PCR, Restriction Digestion, hybridization, NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing
XcelGen plant DNA mini kit is designed for the rapid purification of genomic DNA from a variety of fresh & dry plant materials like leaves tissues, roots. The plant samples are homogenized under high chaotropic buffer followed by removal of contamination. The resultant lysate is transfer to silica membrane, which help in selective binding of DNA in presence of high salt. Following binding of DNA to the silica membrane, contaminants are washed away and pure genomic DNA is eluted.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 20 µg of plant gDNA
Preparation time: less than 60 minutes
Sample: 50 mg of dry or fresh tissue
Elution volume: 100 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization |
XcelGen CP Plant gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG2621-01 • Preps: 50
• Flexible: Works on plant samples with high polysaccharide content
• Simple and fast method of high quality, ready-to-use DNA
• Column based purification, no organic extraction
• Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors.
XcelGen CP Plant DNA mini kit is designed for the rapid purification of high molecular weight genomic DNA from a variety of fresh & dry plant materials like leaves tissues, bark, roots and fruits. This kit is specially designed for the plants having high contents of polyphenolics and polysaccharide. The propitiatory buffer which help to neutralize plant inhibitors and subsequently wash out with formulated wash buffer. Purified DNA binds to silica membrane and eluted with low salt buffer.
Technical Specifications
Yield: Up to 20 µg of dry or fresh tissue
Preparation time: less than 60 minutes
Sample: 50 mg of dry or fresh tissue
Elution volume: 100 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization,
NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing |
XcelGen 96-well Plant gDNA Mini Kit |
Cat No.: XG1201-96 • Preps: 50
• Fast: Isolate 96 samples in less than 90 minutes
• Purified DNA is free from polysaccharide, phenolic compounds & other inhibitors.
• Purified DNA suitable for downstream applications
XcelGen 96-well plant isolation kit provides a high throughput method to purify cellular DNA from 30mg plant tissue in a 96-well format. The streamed procedure allows the processing of 96 samples in less than 90 minutes. The system eliminates polysaccharide, phenolic compounds and enzyme inhibitors from plant tissue lysate.
Technical Specifications
Yield: 10-15 µg of plant gDNA
Preparation time: less than 90 minutes
Sample: 50 mg of fresh or dry tissue
Elution volume: 100 µl
PCR, Restriction Digestion, Hybridization,
NGS Sample preparation, Sequencing